1. conmat::abs_avg_school
    ABS education data for 2016
  2. conmat::abs_avg_work
    ABS work data for 2016
  3. conmat::abs_education_state
    ABS education by state for 2006-2020
  4. conmat::abs_education_state_2020
    2020 ABS education population data, interpolated into 1 year bins, by state.
  5. conmat::abs_employ_age_lga
    ABS employment by age and LGA for 2016
  6. conmat::abs_household_lga
    ABS household data for 2016
  7. conmat::abs_lga_lookup
    ABS lookup table of states, lga code and lga name
  8. conmat::abs_pop_age_lga_2016
    ABS population by age for 2016 for LGAs
  9. conmat::abs_pop_age_lga_2020
    ABS population by age for 2020 for LGAs
  10. conmat::abs_state_age
    ABS state population data for 2020
  11. conmat::age_group_lookup
    Lookup table of age groups in 5 year bins
  12. conmat::conmat_original_school_demographics
    Original school demographics for conmat
  13. conmat::conmat_original_work_demographics
    Original work demographics for conmat
  14. conmat::data_abs_lga_education
    LGA wise ABS education population data on different ages for year 2016
  15. conmat::data_abs_lga_work
    LGA wise ABS work population data on different ages for year 2016
  16. conmat::data_abs_state_education
    State wise ABS education population data on different ages for year 2016
  17. conmat::data_abs_state_work
    State wise ABS work population data on different ages for year 2016
  18. conmat::davies_age_extended
    Susceptibility and clinical fraction parameters from Davies et al.
  19. conmat::eyre_transmission_probabilities
    Transmission probabilities of COVID19 from Eyre et al.
  20. conmat::polymod
    Social contact data from 8 European countries (imported from 'socialmixr')
  21. conmat::polymod_setting_models
    Polymod Settings models
  22. conmat::prem_germany_contact_matrices
    Contact matrices as calculated by Prem. et al.
  23. conmat::setting_weights
    Setting weights computed for transmission probabilities.
  24. conmat::vaccination_effect_example_data
    Example dataset with information on age based vaccination coverage, acquisition and transmission
  25. sdmtools::global_regions
    Global regions
  26. sdmtools::raster_to_terra
    'raster' to 'terra' equivalence table
  27. traveltime::stations
    Singapore MRT and LRT data
    matrix|563 x 2